Fluvial Geomorphologist New England

your fluvial  geomorphologist for New England and beyond!

Contact Field Geology for fluvial geomorphology services including:





                  (207) 491-9541                         jfield@field-geology.com    


What is Fluvial Geomorphology? 

      Fluvial geomorphology is a science devoted to understanding how the natural setting and human land use in a watershed determine the shape of the river channel. A fluvial geomorphologist seeks to predict what physical changes will occur to a stream channel in response to alterations in watershed conditions; and, in turn, how these changes will impact human infrastructure and fish habitat. A river's adjustment to watershed perturbations may take thousands of years, as is the case throughout much of New England as the result of deglaciation. In other instances, channel modifications may occur in less than a decade, as is frequently the case with direct human activity in a stream channel. Understanding how these perturbations, operating at different time scales, alter the width, depth, and planform of a channel is critical for identifying potential problem areas in a river system. Although the science of fluvial geomorphology is decades old, its widespread application in watershed studies is relatively recent. River managers are rapidly recognizing the role fluvial geomorphology can play in assessing channel condition, identifying long-term solutions for channel instability, and evaluating the effectiveness of restoration efforts. A geomorphological approach to river management reduces flood damages while improving salmon and trout habitat.


(207) 491-9541          jfield@field-geology.com

P.O. Box 824
Portland, ME 04104

           Sensible Watershed Solutions


Fluvial Geomorphologist New England



Flood Hazard Studies    GIS-Based Watershed Assessment    Stream Restoration  

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